Coconut Oil Chocolate

Coconut Oil Chocolate


  • 13g coconut oil(about 1 tablespoon)
  • 12g cocoa powder(about 2 tablespoons)
  • 19g agave nectar(a scant tablespoon)
  • (Optional) Dash of vanilla

Coconut Oil Chocolate

If your coconut oil is kept in a cold location, you might want to bring up the temperature so it’s more malleable. In a small container, combine first the coconut oil and agave nectar until uniform and smooth. Slowly add in the cocoa powder a couple teaspoons at a time, and the vanilla as well if using. Once everything is blended, scoop out onto a piece of wax or parchment paper.  Fold 2 of the sides over and press into a “bar” shape. Put in the fridge to harden for at least 10 minutes.


  • While this can be made any number of ways, the nuance is in the ratios of ingredients down to the grams, which is why a food scale is recommended, though not entirely necessary.
  • Like more bitter chocolate? Use a scant bit more cocoa(+1g) and less agave(-1g). Or try using less cocoa(-2g) and more coconut oil(+1g) for something sweeter. Play around! That’s the fun of personalizing chocolate.
  • Try adding flavors by using flavored agave nectars, powdered fruit, or seeds and nuts.
  • Unrefined coconut oil will impart a more prominent coconut flavor as well as bring slightly better nutrition, though either will work out just fine.

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4 Responses to “Coconut Oil Chocolate”

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Oh, yeah!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the in-depth report! I love how it’s down to the grams b/c you’re so right, you basically have 4 grams worth of stuff: 2 from the cocoa powder and 1 + 1 from the agave and coconut oil. And minute changes can totally effect the outcome. I think I’m going to practice tonite. Practice makes perfect, right!

I just made your chocolate with cacao, coconut butter, agave, vanilla and unsweetened coconut!!! It’s in the freezer but I can’t wait.

[…] Not only does it have an amazing aroma, but coconut oil also tastes fantastic too.  It’s the healthiest oil out there, replacing butter and olive oil for spreading on your toast, enhancing your favorite stir-fry sauces, or melting together with chocolate for homemade chocolate bars! (Evan’s recipe ROCKS) […]

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