Can Carob Compete?

Posted on April 30, 2010. Filed under: Daily Update, Health | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Before last night, I had never tried carob.

Mint Carob Bar

Mint Carob Bar

I had known about it for months now, and even have had this bar since November. Still, I hadn’t really tried carob, not because of what it is, but because of what it isn’t: chocolate. Carob has been marketed as “the new, healthy chocolate”. Hold the phone; what was wrong with our old chocolate? Chocolate-specifically cocoa powder which is found in higher concentrations in dark chocolate–can be packed with antioxidants. Dark chocolate only has fat from cocoa butter and relatively low added sugar. Carob, on the other hand, has no antioxidants and inherently more sugar than cocoa. The only advantage might come in its lack of caffeine, or for anyone allergic to chocolate(if you are, I am so so sorry you have to sit through 90% of what I eat). But how did it taste?

Mint Carob Bar

Mint Carob Bar

This certainly was sweeter than dark chocolate, and it’s hard to tell if that’s from a disproportionate amount of carob/cocoa powder or because carob naturally has higher sugar content. The texture was what threw me; this was rather chalky, and not at all smooth like my favorite dark chocolate. As for the benefits of carob, it’s easier to obtain in its raw state than cacao. It also boasts more calcium(or, in its case, calci-yum). I did like it, but I’m certainly not running out to buy carob powder or recommending it to anyone not allergic to chocolate(again, sorry!).

Baby Carrots And Broccoli

Baby Carrots And Broccoli

I also had healthy snacks like baby carrots and tiny broccoli florets. Actually, I ate this right after my dinner post. I love roasted broccoli, but it’s about 1/2 as filling as steamed broccoli, and 1/10 as filling as raw. Don’t get me wrong, though: The flavor is a thousand times better. Can you tell I’m good with numbers, particularly food math?

70% Dark Chocolate With Vanilla Peanut Butter

70% Dark Chocolate With Vanilla Peanut Butter

Like I said, chocolate is irreplaceable. The texture is smoother; the flavor is richer; and think of all those antioxidants! I enjoyed Endangered Species Organic Smooth Dark Chocolate with a shmear of 365 peanut butter sweetened by Madhava vanilla agave. The chocolate bar looks damaged because it was in my pocket all last Friday and got melted along the way, but it tasted delicious. And I was so happy Grey’s Anatomy was back new last night! That show has had me addicted since Season 1.

Oatmeal With Vanilla Peanut Butter

Oatmeal With Vanilla Peanut Butter

This morning I actually forced myself to sleep in until 8; otherwise I just wouldn’t have known what to do with myself. I muddled around/read blogs until I was hungry for breakfast. It was more of my non-chocolate addiction:365 peanut butter sweetened by Madhava vanilla agave. I have yet to see this agave in a store, but if I do I’m buying them out. And I’m sure the overall price is better than buying a fancy nut butter, since 365 only cost me $1(Get those Whole Deal coupons before they go!).

Plain Yogurt With Raspberry Conserves And Vanilla Almond Butter

Plain Yogurt With Raspberry Conserves And Vanilla Almond Butter

Of course, fancy nut butter will always be a part of my life, like vanilla almond butter from Naturally Nutty. I prefer things like nuts or trail mix on my yogurt so much more than granola; and I never have to think if it’s gluten-free or not!

Have you tried carob? Like it or not? It was fine, really; but it will never be a part of my life like chocolate is.

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14 Responses to “Can Carob Compete?”

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I grew up with carob, so I don’t mind it. I think it’s a little bit of an acquired taste. That being said, I’ll only use carob chips in baking, if I’m just going to eat it, give me chocolate any day of the week!

I feel the same. It is good, but not nearly like chocolate.

I’ve always been intrigued by carob, but I’ve only seen it in stores once and it was EXPENSIVE. I’m glad to see a review on it.

I used to despise chocolate and ONLY love carob – now it’s the opposite, haha! I’m a total chocoholic now 🙂

Hmmm… the new chocolate?! Carob has been around for aaages- it was a large part of the ‘hippie’ vegetarian movement apparently! Yup, thats me…. well, not exactly allergic, but if I so much as nibble on anything chocolatey I get a severe migraine which paralyses half of me, and get carted off to hospital… carob just has to be appreciated for its differences I guess, like the much higher levels of calcium- also it doesn’t have THAT much extra simple sugars in it- I don’t know if you’ve checked out the stats for neat powder, its a bit hyped up. There are some good carob bars out there, but I like it when its just coating something eg cereal bar/sauce/frosting etc. Totally with you about roasted vegetables being so much nicer, but disappointingly light ;(

I have never tried carob, but have been wanting to do so. It would be hard to beat chocolate, but I want to try it in oatmeal and with almonds for sure.

I LOVE carob, however, I don’t think it tastes anything like chocolate and I would never use it as a substitute for chocolate. Sure, it has the same color, but a completely different taste.

Carob covered raisins, however, are another story. MUCH better than chocolate covered raisins. Yum.

I’ve had carob and I’m not really a fan. First time I had it was actually a carob fudge I got from an Amish farm in TN. Bleh. I have found vegan chocolate chips that taste pretty good (Enjoy Life chocolate chips). My vegan friends bake me goods using carob, and it tastes fine. it’ll never replace my love for chocolate, though! I think you and I are on the same page 🙂

I do like carob but I don’t like it by itself. I like it the most in granola bars and cookies when there are other things to taste with it! Try it in granola bars or trail mix 🙂

I love me some carob, but you’re right- it doesn’t beat chocolate!

I like carob only with specific things. One favorite way to use carob chips is on a bowl of microwave popcorn. The chips melt and it makes a great flavor combo.

I once bought the carob version of sunspire chocolate chips to make vegan choc chip cookies instead of regular vegan chocolate chips and wow, wasn’t a fan! They don’t melt like real chocolate…I was so upset that I haven’t had them since. I am much more a real dark chocolate girl!

Never tried carob – only picked up that carob bar for you ’cause it LOOKED interesting carob seemed more up your alley than mine 🙂 haha!

Happy weekend!

i don’t mind carob at all – i like chips in my froyo sometimes…

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