Mental Health Week Intro And Escape Your Prison

Posted on March 22, 2010. Filed under: Daily Update | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Isn’t it timely that mental health week would come at the same time as my midterms? 😉 Go figure. Stick with me all week on helpful tips and tricks to think right and there’ll be a giveaway to have you feel well at the end of the week!



I had plans for lunch that fell through and got rescheduled to Friday, which left me with a free Monday morning–score! Rather than dive right in to midterm studying, I decided to take a nice walk before the rain came to Whole Foods to get groceries. I wanted more So Delicious vanilla coconut milk yogurt while the sale still ran and didn’t have anything planned for lunch, so prepared food sounded like a good surprise.

Honey Garlic Chicken Salad, Steamed Broccoli, Baby Carrots

Honey Garlic Chicken Salad, Steamed Broccoli, Baby Carrots

Honey Garlic Chicken

Honey Garlic Chicken

Talk about being a fussy diner, I took plain grilled chicken thighs from one part of the salad bar and used the honey garlic sauce from the chicken wings tray for some flavor. And flavor there was! The honey and the garlic added such a nice savory-sweetness. I could ave thought of this like a normal lunch and realized a) I payed too much for “just eating” and b) there must have been a hell of a lot of sugar on there. Instead, I decided to think of it like a good meal out, in which case a) I got a bargain on a chicken dish and b) who cares about nutrition? I’m eating out! It’s all in the perception.

So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt

So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt

That held me over… not nearly long enough. I figured 12 miles running + 2.5 walking would increase hunger a bit, so why fight it? I broke in to one of the So Delicious vanilla coconut milk yogurt I picked up at Whole Foods.

So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt

So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt

Holy creaminess, batman! This is why I’ve been loving coconut milk and its byproducts so much recently: You get something rich, creamy, and satisfying that’s an alternative to dairy. And it’s comforting to know if I ever went dairy and soy free, I could still get my probiotics(not like that’s happening any time soon!).

I’m not going to lie: The afternoon was very rough, and I did very little other than write and read and generally prep for the 2 papers and 3 in-class midterms I have over the next 4 days. In a lot of ways, my room felt like a prison. Perhaps the biggest obstacle was recognizing hunger verses boredom. I could eat all day if you let me, so I put particular emphasis on that while distracting myself with Betty White on Ellen. Around 4, I could tell that I was legitimately hungry again.

Oatmeal With Maple Cashew Butter And Milk Chocolate

Oatmeal With Maple Cashew Butter And Milk Chocolate

I had oatmeal with maple cashew butter from Tierra Farm and some really good milk chocolate. I can’t believe I ever measured out nut butter on top of oatmeal; nowadays, I’d so much rather not know how much I use and just enjoy it while it’s in front of me 🙂

Scharffen Burger Milk Chocolate

Scharffen Burger Milk Chocolate

Kristie from Vegan In Dairy Land gave me this chocolate as part of blogger’s secret santa and I’ve been enjoying it nibble by nibble since then. It’s sooooo creamy! Think of the best milk chocolate Easter bunny you’ve ever had, then make it natural and gourmet. I think it’s because they use butterfat, and I love that. Where would I be in life without good chocolate?

Red Delicious Apple

Red Delicious Apple

I threw some stuff in the oven for dinner, but was ready to eat right then. It didn’t help I had no fresh fruit around 😦 I went out to the dining hall and grabbed a ton of fruit to last. No red delicious apple could have grown this perfect on its own, but it was definitely a better choice than eating highly processed chocolate candy(not like I’d ever bad mouth which one I was thinking of. I still love it 😀 It just… was not candy time). This held me over nicely through cooking dinner.

Grass-Fed Burger, Sweet Potato Fries With Chipotle Cayenne Parma, Pickles

Grass-Fed Burger, Sweet Potato Fries With Chipotle Cayenne Parma, Pickles

I decided to save the salmon from Whole Foods for a rushed meal I’ll inevitably have later on in the week and cook a grass-fed burger while I had the time. There was also some thinly sliced sweet potato fries with chipotle cayenne parma and 3 pickle spears(gotta have the pickles in there :-))Check out Gina’s post on the pro’s and con’s of grass-fed beef! Apparently I’m making a name for myself 😀 While a lot of you have thought “Wow, he cooks beef in a dorm!” I’ve often looked at it as “I only cook beef”. I’d love to see how my cholesterol is after all of this. I just don’t like dealing with raw chicken or having to cook it through, and raw fish is a nightmare to keep around, so beef it always is! I’ll be happy once Lent is over so I can start adding some fake chicken back into my diet. Even before then, I’d love to get some vegan ice cream or Vivapura goodies in by winning either of these giveaways.

Today’s tip:

Everyday, especially those at rough or difficult times, make sure you have an activity 20-60 minutes to spend on you. Treat yourself or just enjoy alone time. In the end, you’ll be grateful for those moments and you’ll realize that that’s not that much “time lost” in the grand scheme of things; in fact, it’s time gained. Today, that took form for me in the way of a walk to Whole Foods and back. OK, maybe that’s not the most exciting thing. But looking back I am happy to have had the time to not be productive. And it makes me look forward to ideas for activities later on in the week a little more photogenic and edible 😉 Tell me, what have YOU done for yourself lately?

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21 Responses to “Mental Health Week Intro And Escape Your Prison”

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“holy creaminess, batman” – Sooo funny!

I wishhhh and can’t say enough how much I had a Whole Foods in Gainesville so I could walk there for lunch!

I love the mental health tip!

I’m going to go on a lovely run later today just for myself and maybe read a non-school related book (if time allows)

Great lookin’ eats 🙂

I love spending that “me time” practicing yoga. It’s fantabulous!!! 😀

And that coconut yogurt looks GOOD! I’ve never tried So Delicious. Of course, I’m probably totally missing out….

thank you for saying something about the vanilla coconut milk yogurt. now i really want to try them!!

I started eating a TON of chocolate and I love it!

i LOVE your tip of the day! you are so right that its important to make ME time…whether it be just sitting by yourself, cooking, working out, whatever makes you happy! it is SOO important! love that!

mmm the SO delicious yogurt looks so good I have heard the milk is awesome too!

I’ve been out of the blog world for a while so I’m just seeing your whole new look! I like it!! And your food looks delicious. I haven’t tried that yogurt yet b/c it is so expensive, but it is next on my list. The ice cream is amazing!

this morning i had someone clean the house for me for two hours. i felt guilty, considering i could’ve done it myself but that would’ve taken all day….

Wow – new layout – neat! How big are those yogurt tubs – if they are one that you eat in just one sitting , do you always only pick up a couple?? Can’t you get them in packs so you don’t have to go to the stores so often?

Great post though…I take time for “myself” but just feel guilt for it…

LOVE Betty White – seriously – cooler than all of young Hollywood.

Your new blog design is awesome!! I love how you made your own whole foods chicken creation – sounds sooooo yummy!!

Your tip about taking time for yourself is so very, very important… It’s one I struggle with, too – there’s always a load of laundry or some paperwork competing for my attention! :-p I’m working on it, though – today I enjoyed a cup of tea and a non school or work related book! 🙂 Thank you for the wise tip…

That yogurt is so thick! I know what I’ll be looking for at the store on Wednesday… Yesterday I took the whole day to do nothing but play around in the sunshine!

Holy creaminess, batman! : ) Love it!

It really does never fail. I was always an emotional train wreck around midterms. What’s up with that? Just know you’re not alone. 🙂

I am so loving your tip! Wow, you sound like me 🙂 LOL ANyway no, for real, love it. And what have i done…well, i read and comment on blogs. Clearly this is a luxury in life and i take full advantage of it 🙂

And the last post w/ the Perfect bar. That bar looks so dense, truly ‘perfect” for me. I hate airy bars. Blah!

And how did everyone know/see my recipe was posted before I even knew it on the TT site?? I had a couple readers write to me, then an hour later i got an auto notifier from them re the coconut oil freebies, and then 4 hrs later they wrote a 2 line letter. I am shocked how ppl know this stuff and i dont!

Betty White is all the rage right now! Shes everywhere!

Lol I wouldn’t worry about your cholesterol because of eating a few grass fed burgers a week. You are doing better than most people in the food department.

I’ll have to try that coconut yogurt– I’m not a soy yogurt fan, but I’m always looking for an alternative to dairy!

I definitely have to keep an eye on myself when I’m working at home, because I have a big tendency to eat from boredom.

Great advice Evan! My time is my morning runs. They completely ground me and it is my time that no one can bother me and I am totally alone with my thoughts…love it!

So Delicious is one of my favorite brands. Hopefully Earthfare will put some of those yogurts on sale soon! I can’t believe I used to measure out nut butters for oatmeal and sandwiches too….I couldn’t care less anymore and can just eat them by the truckload. Ok maybe not that much but just about! I love me some healthy fats.

Good luck with all those midterms and papers! 4 days! Wow!

I’ve been trying to put aside “me time” by playing around with new stuff in the kitchen…first macaroons, now on to some raw granola! 😀

I’m dying to try that yogurt….

OH MAN no kidding about the “I could eat all day” if i could…sometimes i feel like my stomach is a bottomless pitt. See, you can afford to eat nonstop since you seem to run nonstop too!! Me, not so much. *sigh*

Loved your tip – it’s definitely something I need to work on!

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